Hi Putri, can you tell us in few words who you are?
My name is Putri Soediono, I am the founder of Pubumésu. I'm Indonesian and currently live in Singapore.
What was your last trip?
Desaru, Johor Malaysia. A family trip by the beach with my baby and husband.
Can tell us one of your secret place?
Katamama Hotel in Bali.
What's the secret for the perfect holiday?
One day where you don't have your phone.
Poolside or seaside?
What is you perfect summer dinner?
A variety of tacos.
What's your favorite summer cocktail?
Margarita, shaken not frozen.
What are your the essentials of your summer suitcase?
Sunglasses, body suit, cycling shorts, Birkenstocks and a Pubumésu fan.
What smell evokes you holiday?
Tuberose and a touch of sandalwood.
What book do you plan to read this summer?
To reread the Harry Potter books.
Which the nice fleet accessories will you take on holiday this summer?
The XL Skagen float.
Where will you spend your holiday this summer?
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