Hi Putri, can you tell us in few words who you are ?
My name is Putri Soediono, I am the founder of Pubumésu. I’m Indonesian and currently live in Singapore.
What was your last trip ?
Desaru, Johor Malaysia. A family trip by the beach with my baby and husband.
Can tell us one of your secret place ?
Katamama Hotel in Bali.
What’s the secret for perfect holiday ?
One day where you don’t have your phone.
Poolside or seaside ?
What is you perfect summer dinner ?
A variety of tacos.
What’s your favorite summer cocktail ?
Margarita, shaken not frozen.
What are your the essentials of your summer suitcase ?
Sunglasses, body suit, cycling shorts, Birkenstocks and a Pubumésu fan.
What smell evoques you holiday ?
Tuberose and a touch of sandalwood.
What book do you plan to read this summer ?
To reread the Harry Potter books.
Which the nice fleet accessories will you take on holiday this summer ?
The XL Skagen float.
Where will you spend your holiday this summer ?
Malta !
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